Adobe Connect Blog

Best of Elearning! Winner 2019

‘Best of Elearning is industry’s exclusive user choice awards program recognizes best-in-class enterprise learning solutions available in today’s marketplace

G2 Crowd Leader 2019

What does leadership mean to you? Warren Bennis defined leadership as “The capacity to translate vision into reality”. That’s exactly what our product teams have been doing heads down in the past year, and it’s gratifying to see this show in the voice of our customers.

October 3, 2019 / Uncategorized

Making Recordings Easier to Access – Adobe Connect 10.6

Adobe Connect 10.6 includes support for viewing recordings in HTML5, making it easier than ever to access your Adobe Connect recordings.

September 16, 2019 / Events / Uncategorized

Join us at Adobe Learning Summit

Click here to read this article.

Announcing Adobe Connect 10.5

The upcoming release of Adobe Connect will be available this summer and adds support to the HTML client for PowerPoint, PDF, Video, Audio, custom apps and much more.

Inductive and Deductive Learning, Choosing the Right Approach Within Your Virtual Classrooms

Dozens of instructional design theories exist, and choosing which one to put in to practice during a particular learning or development initiative within your organization can be a difficult decision. By broadening ones understanding of the unique benefits within these different approaches the more likely one is to employ the format that best stimulates their learners and is most likely to help them achieve their development goals.

January 28, 2019 / Awards / General

Adobe Connect 2018 Partners of the Year

The Adobe Connect team is fortunate to have a strong partner community to help serve our shared customers. Each January, we take some time to recognize the partners who have gone above and beyond in the previous calendar year to provide exceptional experiences. Awards are handed out for each of three categories: North American Partner of the Year, International Partner of the Year, and Government Partner of the Year.

December 14, 2018 / Virtual Classrooms

Adobe Products Inducted in to the 2018 Elearning Hall of Fame

Pushing the boundaries of what enterprises, governments, and universities can accomplish with virtual classrooms, learning management systems, and educational content is at the core of what Adobe’s digital learning solutions stand for. For over sixteen years these tools have helped teams foster cultures of continuous development with engaging digital experiences that are available exactly at the moment of need.

December 3, 2018 / Virtual Classrooms

Developing a Culture of Individualized Attention for Digital Learners

Significant strides within the education technology arena have unlocked new ways for educators to scale how they help learners acquire the knowledge they need to be successful, but within this set of positive developments are also challenges that must be carefully taken in to account. At first glance, this increase of information accessibility and availability may appear to be a positive phenomenon in and of itself. On demand eLearning derives much of its impact from the fact that it scales rapidly and is available precisely at the moment of need, but this is only one half of the story.

November 26, 2018 / Virtual Classrooms

Using Cognitive Principles to Enable Creative Problem Solving in Remote Environments

What if your virtual meetings and training sessions were so dynamic that people clamored to attend them? Our most recent webinar discussed just that and featured Cynthia Clay, a veteran collaboration expert who’s work focuses on applying principles of psychology and neuroscience to virtual classroom and remote meeting experiences.