Deposit engagement, withdraw results: MIDFLORIDA’s success story with Adobe Connect
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Adobe eLearning World 2020 becomes Adobe’s biggest virtual eLearning event delivered on Adobe Connect, connecting 8,000 learners worldwide.
When it began offering Executive MBA (EMBA) courses online in 2004, Saint Mary’s College of California became a pioneer of virtual education. The program gave working professionals a combination of convenience and in-person interaction by blending virtual and in-classroom learning. Saint Mary’s award-winning EMBA program has since become a model for other institutions.Recently, the liberal arts college implemented Adobe Connect as its preferred online conferencing platform.
While other solutions could only support concurrent events in French or English, with Adobe Connect CFHI can seamlessly deliver bilingual events using breakout rooms where participants can view primary content in their preferred language. The approach keeps audiences integrated and benefits them by sharing in one common digital experience.
By finding more ways to deliver courses electronically, the University of Arizona (UA) broadens the reach of its educational opportunities. The UA currently offers nearly 70 undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs and its learning management system (LMS) holds more than 4,300 courses (15% of its total catalog) used by the university’s 19 colleges.
When Phillips healthcare recognized the need to take their training programs online in order to reach more than 150,000 registered users in over 100 countries they turned to Adobe Connect. Our partnership with Phillips enables them to rapidly produce and distribute e-learning programs that focus on training professionals to use their advanced medical equipment across the globe.
Part of SoDA’s mission is to help digital agencies, production companies, and niche digital experts share knowledge and best practices. One technology SoDA uses to unite members from its 110 participating organizations in 40 countries is Adobe Connect.
Professionals and academics from a diverse range of industries and marketing disciplines have looked to the American Marketing Association as source of community, research, and analysis for over 80 years. When the time came for the organization to begin creating and administering members-only webinars they turned to Adobe Connect.