2nd Edition of our Satisfaction Survey. Another chance to win Photoshop CS5.
Click here to read this article.
Click here to read this article.
wo weeks ago, I spoke at a panel at IT Expo. The subject of the panel was: Business Continuity via a Travel Reduction Plan. Trade shows like IT Expo are great to get a feel for what a lot of decision makers are thinking, or key marketing trends.
On the panel web conferencing was a hot topic. Here is a summary of topics covered on the panel and conversations I had at the show.
Thank you very much to all of you who took the time to answer our satisfaction survey in April. And congratulations to the winner of Photoshop CS5 at the University of Maine ! (For legal reason, I can not disclose the full name of the winner).
Let me now share with you some of the results and surprises from the survey and what we are doing about it.