Adobe Connect and HTML5
Over the past several months significant speculation has been brewing around the influence HTML5 and WebRTC might have on the web conferencing space.
Over the past several months significant speculation has been brewing around the influence HTML5 and WebRTC might have on the web conferencing space.
We’re happy to announce the latest release of the Adobe Connect mobile client, available now for iOS and Android. One of the key trends we see as we talk to our customers is that the usage of mobile is increasing across their user bases – and the expectation continues to move well beyond the ability to join a web conferencing session, but fully host, present, and interact – whether it is a virtual training session, a collaborative meeting, or large webinar.
When thinking of moving an activity that is traditionally done in a physical setting to a virtual format – such as new-hire onboarding or training, there is sometimes a perception that the activity will be significantly less effective, or can not easily be replicated when brought online. And this is for good reason – a critical best practice we have observed in keeping an audience engaged, is to get them to participate.
The way people consume content has changed dramatically in the course of the last few years. DVRs have taught us that we can expect to watch content when we want it, at the pace we want. Mobile devices have taught us that we can watch content in smaller, bite sized pieces, wherever we are located. Social networks have exponentially increased the number of individuals across which we can share information and recommendations. Yet, most of the corporate eLearning world remains in an environment where training is delivered top-down, in a we tell you what, when, and where to learn” type of fashion, chained to rigid Learning Management System software.
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