Adobe Connect Support Blog

Customize the AMG Silence Timeout Setting to Accommodate an Internal SIP Endpoint

This article is intended only for on-premise Adobe Connect server deployments with integrated Adobe Media Gateway making Unified Voice connections to internal Session Initiation Protocol endpoints.

The silent stream interval is not configurable OOTB and silence commensurate with muting voice can cause disconnections when connecting AMG to an internal SIP endpoint; the following customization will make the silent stream interval configurable and prevent disconnection:

Download SilenceStream.ase from the file share pod in this Meeting room: Login into the meeting as  a guest and use the case sensitive passcode: AMG

  1. Backup and replace SilenceStream.ase  -> components\CPS\comserv\apps\meetingas3app\shell\breezeLive\fmg\SilenceStream.ase 
  2. Add FMG_UV_SILENT_STREAM_INTERVAL tag in components\CPS\comserv\win32\conf\originhost_defaultVHost_\Application.xml



<!– FMG silent stream interval (in seconds), default value is 60 seconds–>

Note: You may also reduce the delay in the buffer in rtmp.xml if needed:


<!– <frameResampleFactor>; When set to true, RTMP data may resampled  –>
<!– upto this factor to catchup the delay. Default value is 100 i.e.  –>
<!– resampling is switched off.  Valid values are in range [50,100]  –>

  <!– Max Size of accumulated delayed frames(in number of frames) in buffer  –>
<!– beyond which frames should be dropped arbitrarily to keep delay & queue   –>
<!– size in control; valid values are from 1 to 1000; default value is 100;  –>


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