Adobe Connect Support Blog


XML Tips and Tricks: Setting HTML Client Settings

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February 20, 2019 / Meeting / Seminars / Training / XML API

Despite disabling guided hints it still appears in some rooms | Adobe Connect

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January 30, 2019 / Reporting / Training

Adobe Connect Courses may show Status as ‘Not Taken’ when accessing using Chrome or Firefox browsers

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Score of the course for a user in-progress will be become zero if content associated with that course is updated or replaced

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Virtual Classrooms and Account Limit Reached Error

This article is applicable ONLY to Adobe Connect users who have purchased a Named Virtual Classroom Manager license within the Training Module and are running into Account Limit Reached messages unexpectedly when they are launching Virtual Classrooms.

January 26, 2015 / Application / Training

Remove “Review” message in training content (on-premise installs)

Once a training is completed you can review it. When in review mode a message is displayed at the top of the browser window and in the window title.

XML API TIPS: Moving Virtual Classrooms to Meetings

You may have a situation arise where you want to move Virtual Classrooms (VCs) over to the Meeting area of Adobe Connect. You may notice that if you try to move Virtual Classrooms, you only have the ability to move them within the confines of the Training module and not out to the Meetings area if you are using the UI.

Updated May 14, 2019

Make Certain that Content is Replicated Across All Servers in a Connect Cluster

Occasionally a specific piece of content may be intermittently available in a cluster. It could be Presenter or Captivate published on-demand content or even content within a Meeting room. Sometimes in these cases, the content published on one server is not replicated to all servers in the cluster.

Avoiding Inaccurate Completion Reports when a Meeting is Part of a Curriculum

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Updated April 8, 2019

Ensuring that Email Generated by Adobe Connect Servers is Received

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