Adobe Connect Meeting Application Update Suppression for On-premise Deployments Running Adobe Connect 11.x
Below are the steps to suppress the app update dialog:
1. On each on-premise Adobe Connect Server, create a file in <CONNECT_HOME>/appserv/common named UpdateDescr.xml (on each app node)
2. Add the following to that file and save:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3. Restart all of the Connect services on each Adobe Connect Server
4. Optional step to test: On your Adobe Connect client system, you may want to have an older Adobe Connect Meeting Application to test the suppression of the update dialog; from here you may download and install version 2021,3,27,64h: https://download.adobe.com/pub/connect/updaters/meeting/11_0/ConnectAppSetup11_2021_3_27.exe
5. On the Windows client, delete the ConnectAppCache folder in the documents directory
6. Also on the client system, clear your browser history, then join a meeting in the Adobe Connect Meeting Application (older version if testing)
7. You should not be presented with the Adobe Connect Meeting Application update dialog
You may also test by reverting the change, but note that if you clear the cache and delete the ConnectAppCache folder, you may not be presented with the update application dialog prior to rebooting the client. If you do need to revert the change, you may want to advise your users to reboot their clients.
- Tested by launching app via Chrome and Edge
- Tested by launching meeting in the browser in both Chrome and Edge
- Tested by launching the meeting via the Connect App desktop shortcut.
- One thing to note is that if you join the meeting in the browser, users who enter the meeting as a Host or Presenter may still see a notification in the upper-right that suggests downloading the app to be able to use all features available to them. If they attempt to share their screen, they’ll see another dialog that says they need to download and install the app to be able to do that. This of course makes sense since you’re in the browser as a Host/Presenter.
If the client picks up the UpdateDescr.xml file from the server, there will be an entry in the ConnectCefApp.log file of the following format :
[2021-05-19 10:07:02.063877] [0x00005c64] (info) : CURLRequestClient::OnDownloadData http://<server>/common/meetingAS3/shell/../../UpdateDescr.xml?noCache=554774718 Got Data len=140
[2021-05-19 10:07:02.063877] [0x00005c64] (info) : CURLRequestClient::OnRequestComplete http://<server>/common/meetingAS3/shell/../../UpdateDescr.xml?noCache=554774718 error=0
This log entry confirms that the client picked up the UpdateDescr.xml file from the server.