Adobe Connect Support Blog


Error Converting PowerPoint upload to Connect

After a fresh installation of a Connect server, you may see a generic error message when uploading a PowerPoint file to Connect.

Caracas Time Zone Setting Prevents Creation of New Meeting

The simple workaround is to use any other timezone to create Meeting rooms then switch back to the Caracas timezone as needed.

Why does my Connect Hosted Multitenancy Login Page Allow Accounts

This enhancement limits the possibility of erroneously trying to gain access to the wrong Connect account.

Updated November 21, 2024

Network Distance and Adobe Connect Standard View Meeting Latency

Round-trip-time between the majority of any Connect Meeting or Seminar audiences, should be a primary consideration in planning where to deploy a Connect cluster or clusters.

Monthly Maintenance Releases

Adobe Connect continues to see growth with more meeting minutes each month.   As usage grows, Adobe endeavors to be even more responsive to customer support requests and reduce issue resolution time. 

Adobe Connect Unified Voice and Cisco Call Manager

Most Unified Voice (UV) integration is between Adobe Media Gateway (AMG/FMG) and an external Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server…

Adobe Connect Standard View Bandwidth Utilization Estimates Illustrated

Variables such as Meeting size, Connect features employed, disposition of clients and type of Connect server hosting, all have an effect on the network bandwidth utilized and as well as on where the bandwidth on a network will be most affected.

Updated January 31, 2020

Connect Meeting RTMP VS/VIPs on Load-Balancers

This article applies to on-premise Adobe Connect servers running behind hardware-based load-balancing devices or SSL accelerators.

Updated February 20, 2019

Publishing PowerPoint Presentations in Connect Meetings

There are different techniques that a Connect content author or Connect Meeting Host may employ to publish PowerPoint content in Adobe Connect Meetings. This article discusses them and how they differ and how to choose the correct option and avoid common pitfalls.

Updated April 27, 2022

Generating Server-side Logs to Troubleshoot On-premise Adobe Connect Deployments

In order to diagnose unexpected behavior within Adobe Connect, it may be necessary for the Adobe Connect Support team to examine server-side logs from an on-premise Connect deployment.