Seminars Tab shows Request Not Processed | Adobe Connect
Problem Statement: On trying to access the Seminars Tab, it displays error -“Request Not Processed” –
The system was unable to process your request. For further assistance, please check out the Adobe Connect support page.
Access Logs snippet:
[2019-06-04 00:00:13] “Internal error ” occurred.” – INTERNAL_ERROR E A tempuser@gmail.com {user-id=1607881624, cookie=na2breezww2ergnq6ixdhd3h, account-id=XXXXX, ip=}
“GET https://example.com/admin/seminar/my-seminar-sessions/list?filter-rows=100&filter-start=0&sco-id=XXXXX&tab-id=XXXXX&user-webinar-selected=false&OWASP_CSRFTOKEN=657e30aa54d8913efdea8295220f2bea0912502536f1db4a33af15dbc27ad1f8” 0 244517/253 0
Adobe Connect On-Premise accounts
Reason for this behavior:
It appears that one of API calls created seminar sessions without date-end (null).
- Call seminar-session-sco-update to set the Session’s date/time and assign it to the Seminar Room
For more details click: here
Note: It is mandatory to have that date set to non-null value because it is used in calculation while fetching data for seminar page.
- In order to resume access (de-block) seminars page the fastest way is to disable that sco via direct access to DB:
Execute the script:
update pps_scos set disabled=getutcdate() where sco_id=XXXXX
(sco_id of the seminar room)
You are able to bypass ‘Seminars’ error and open all links under it through a direct link, except ‘Seminar Sessions’,
Additional Information:
- It appears to be a case of bad structure/request on the customer data that may require a one-off.
Internal Errors: java.lang.NullPointerException: null and link with ‘null’ value which is failing to build parameter ‘user-webinar-selected’ - To create Seminar Sessions
refer to blog link: https://blogs.connectusers.com/connectsupport/adobe-connect-9-1-seminar-session-creation-via-the-xml-api/