Unable to join Adobe Connect sessions in the Connect Add-in after September 9th, 2017.
On September 9th, 2017, a certificate within the Adobe Connect meeting code will expire. All Adobe Connect customers that join Connect sessions (Meeting, Seminars, Virtual Classrooms) using the Connect Add-in will be affected. This issue will impact all versions of Adobe Connect.
What it looks like:
Starting on the 9th of September, users without the patched version of the Adobe Connect add-in (11.9.980.387) will see the following screen when attempting to join a Connect Session and be unable to join.
How to fix it:
Customer with Adobe hosted Connect accounts:
The new Adobe Connect Add-in will be available starting on 9 August 2017. It can be downloaded and installed from here and will also be available via our lightning installer from Connect within meeting rooms.
Customer with accounts hosted by Adobe (Connect account contains *.adobeconnect.com) will be forced to update their Connect add-in to the new version starting on 8 September 2017.
To help ensure all users can obtain the new Connect Add-in, version 11.9.980.387, you will be asked to install the new Add-in under the following circumstances:
- You try to start or join an Adobe Connect meeting for first time and have an older version of the Add-in installed.
- You start screen sharing, application sharing, or share PowerPoint (PPTX format) files, and don’t have the latest version of the Add-in installed.
On-Premise/Licensed Customers:
NOTE: The below information is only for Adobe Connect on-premise Administrators.
Along with the above options, Adobe Connect administrators that host their Connect servers on-premise can follow the following tech-note to force the new version of the add-in. Force new version of add-in.
I am confused by the documentation on the new add in. In one place I see you need it only if you share screens (e.g. not just to join a meeting as a participant), and in another place I see that any user needs it. Would you please clarify before I send an email to my entire company that may not be necessary? Thanks. Diane
This new add-in is needed for any user that joins a Connect session via the Add-in, regardless if they are Participant, Presenter or Host. Users that join a Connect session in the browser is not affected.
The add-in is required to screen share in a session, so any user that wishes to screen share would need the add-in.
Who needs the add-in and who does not? I’m unclear if it is best practice for everyone to download it.
Any user that is using the Connect Add-in today will need to update to the latest version prior to Sept. 9th. The most common use of the Connect Add-in is to screen share in a Connect session. There is other functionality that the add-in provides as well, but if a user wants to screen share, the add-in is required.
It’s worth noting the Add-in does more than just provide screen sharing. Being about to see the meeting in a full window, drag and drop to share pod, camera performance, among some others, are all good to have.
What is the link to download the new Adobe Add-in after Sept. 9?
The latest Connect Add-in can always be found on this page: https://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/connect-downloads-updates.html