Log4j for Telephony service
In the 11.4b patch, we have updated all the log4j.jar files to version 2.17.1 under the \tomcat\lib folder and delivered as a separate patch file: “update_jre_tomcat_11.4.0a_11.4.0b_licensed_signed.exe”
Full Path: (drive):\Connect\11.2.0\tomcat\lib folder
11.4b patch does update telephony log4j-2.13.1.jar files under the \TelephonyService\web\WEB-INF\lib folder.

As a Workaround (to update these files):
- Stop Adobe Connect Telephony Service
- Delete all log4j.jar files from (drive):\Connect\11.2.0\TelephonyService\web\WEB-INF\lib (or just move them to some other location as a backup)
- Start Adobe Connect Telephony Service
Note: With the next patch release all log4j.jar files will be removed from \Connect\11.2.0\TelephonyService\web\WEB-INF\lib
The 11.4b download is here: https://www.adobe.com/go/Connect11_4b
The release notes for 11.4b are here: https://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/release-note/adobe-connect-11-4b-release-notes.html
For more details on 11.4b patch:- https://blogs.connectusers.com/connectsupport/adobe-connect-11-4b-is-available-for-on-premise/