How to Enable Users to view the Seminar Calendar
Some Adobe Connect customers have a very large user base that requests daily access to use Seminar Rooms by checking the seminar calendar for availability. Prior to 9.5, users could login and see the Seminar Calendar even if they weren’t Seminar Hosts and then they could request permission to use the Connect Seminar room from a Seminar Hosts or Administrator of the Connect account who would then assign them the necessary resources.
Many customers with a large user base may not want to enable all of their potential Seminar users as Seminar Hosts without any screening or prioritization because they may run the risk of multiple Seminar Hosts competing for resources that may be limited.
Solution: If you turn off all permissions for the Limited Administrator group and enter those potential Connect Seminar users who are not in the Seminar Hosts group into the Limited Administrator, they will be able to see the shared seminar calendar: