Ensuring that Email Generated by Adobe Connect Servers is Received
There have been more than a few incidents reported on the topic of email messages from Adobe Connect servers not getting delivered. These include messages generated by the Adobe Connect Events module as well as system email messages such as that generated by changing a password.
If you are runnign a version of Connect prior to 9.3, the first thing to avoid to prevent this problem is that of using special characters in the host’s name. Prior to 9.3, if you place a comma in the Event host’s name such as Frank D., El Presidente’ it will cause an error identified in our server logs by a messaging exception.
Also, prior to 9.3, avoid is inviting over 20,000 participants to an Event. This generates an operation size error and causes problems with email messages being sent out.
With specific reference to Adobe Connect Hosted accounts, administrative email notifications sent from Adobe Connect servers come from admin@adobeconnect.com (previously admin@acrobat.com). We are always making internal changes to the way the Connect servers handle email and working with our Web infrastructure partners to insure that Connect generated email was not being treated as SPAM on the Web.
There is a bit of a conundrum here. If Adobe Connect Events email invitations are sent out in massive mailings to those who perceive the email as SPAM, then the Adobe Connect servers could be tagged as producing SPAM by those end-user recipients. An overzealous Events manager may cause Gmail and other providers to treat Adobe Connect email as SPAM. When an Event that is capped at 500 participants sends out 5000 email invitations, it is expected that many recipients will at best ignore the inbound email traffic and many more may consider the traffic to be a nuisance. We are investigating possible approaches to ameliorate this problem and plan in 9.3 to add an opt-out option for Events invitations that will offer a convenient alternative to any SPAM reply option for recipients to invoke.
We love large Events and Adobe Connect handles them very well; this is a case when our success can potentially lead to some problems. Currently the Adobe Hosted Service is green for SPF record checks. We pass all major email providers and are not blacklisted according to common checker tools on the internet. This should resolve the lion’s share of current email issues and the upcoming changes in 9.3 will serve to harden this capability for future Events.
How can we tell whether the email invitations we sent out from events were actually delivered?