Adobe Connect Support Blog

Updated February 10, 2025

Adobe Connect Transmuxing Server (ACTS) Installation on Legacy Windows Servers

This applies only to on-premise Adobe Connect server deployments with ACTS.

We have used some APIs (mainly for audio formatting) from Media Foundation library in ACTS with Adobe Connect. On the Windows client systems (Windows 7 onward) those libraries are preinstalled but on the Windows server, these features may be disabled by default. You must enable those APIs on the Adobe Connect Server for ACTS.

ACTS is does not support either Windows 2012 or 2016 server. To enable those features on a Windows 2019 server:

  1. Open the Windows Server Manager.
  2. Select Features > Media Foundation.
  3. Click Install.
  4. Restart the server.

These steps should be done before installing ACTS from the Adobe Connect installer, but if ACTS is already installed, you may install the Media foundation libraries with ACTS services turned off:

  1. After Media Foundation libraries are installed, either reboot (recommended) the system or:
  2. Stop ACTS service (if not already stopped). Make sure all ConnectCore.exes are killed.
  3. Start ACTS service.

This is an option in the Operating System of the server. If there is any problem adding it then refer to Microsoft technical support for help. For Windows 2019 server, see the following caveat: What’s New in Windows Server 2019 Essentials | Microsoft Docs

Looking at a generic Windows Server 2019, I was able to add the Media pack out of the box without download.

If there are issues installing this, it may be prudent to contact Microsoft for assistance with installing the feature on a Windows server:

ACTS, Administration, Clustering, General, HTML client, Install, Meeting, Seminars, Uncategorized

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  • By Matthew Cervi - 12:24 PM on March 11, 2021   Reply

    I think your instructions are reversed between Server 2016 and 2012 R2.

    • By Frank DeRienzo - 4:11 PM on March 31, 2021   Reply

      Hi Matthew, I am updating the article. It created some confusion to be sure.

Reply to Matthew Cervi