XML API Tips: Identifying a Sco’s Owner
A common ask from users is how to identify the creator of a content object or meeting, etc. in Adobe Connect. Sometimes it’s easy to decipher (from an Admin perspective) who ‘owns’ a meeting, by seeing the specific meeting (for example) in a specific user’s ‘User Meeting’ folder. However that doesn’t necessarily mean that they ‘created’ the meeting. Also, if a meeting is sitting in the Shared Meetings area, and you want to know who created the meeting initially, it wouldn’t be possible (via the UI). In order to see who created the object or meeting, you can use the ‘sco-by-url’ API call. Here’s how:
As an Administrator, log in and find the URL of the meeting or sco in question.
Then, formulate the web service call as such:
Where the url-path = the actual custom (or auto generated) url path of your meeting or content. The format will look like this: ‘/myMeeting/’.
Here’s an example: