Adobe Connect Support Blog

April 16, 2015 /General /

Receiving multiple reset password emails

Problem: Receiving multiple reset password emails when requesting reset password link using Forgot your password? option.

Environment: Hosted/Licensed

Reason/Error Message of behavior: If the login policy of your account is set to No, i.e you have Use email address as login set to No, and you create multiple users(say 50) having the same email address, Adobe Connect does not validate for duplicate email addresses of users. The reason being it will not be marked as required field due to this policy.


Hence when a user tries to reset his password and specifies his email address, it gets correlated with all the users who have this same email address, then Adobe Connect would send 50 emails to these email addresses which would basically end up in the same mailbox, since they all are the same. It tries to match the email address to the email fields of all the users and starts sending emails one by one. That may result in floods of email in a single mailbox.

Possible Solution:

The only solution to avoid this problem is to make sure you are not entering the same email address while creating multiple users, when you have use email address policy set to no.

You may also turn off this policy if its not a hard requirement in your organization and then there would be no conflicts in the email address and that would be created as unique always.




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