Meeting Add-in for Mac Allows One Concurrent Instance
- Connect On-premise using the Mac Add-in
- Connect Hosted Accounts using the Mac Add-in
- The default, Lightning Add-in on a Mac client
- The Flash-less Connect Add-In on a Mac client
Note: This does not affect Windows clients
The Adobe Connect Mac Add-in only allows one Connect Meeting room to launch concurrently using the Connect Meeting Add-in due to limitations and constraints imposed by the Mac operating system.
Note: The Connect Meeting Add-in is needed for Presenter or Host tasks including screen-sharing, uploading content to the File Share pod and taking Connect Meeting Recordings offline. It is not required for participants.
If you are in a Meeting using the Mac Add-in, any subsequent Connect Meetings you open concurrently on that same Mac client will launch in the selected browser rather than in a second instance of the Add-in.
If you have a Connect Meeting room opened in the Add-in, you cannot simultaneously perform other Add-in dependent tasks such as taking a Meeting Archive Recording offline. Likewise, if you are taking a Meeting Archive Recording offline and enter a Meeting room at the same time, the Meeting will launch in the browser.