Adobe Connect Support Blog

Installing and Configuring stunnel with Adobe Connect

This article applies only to that subset of on-premise Adobe Connect installers and administrators who terminate SSL directly on Adobe Connect Servers using stunnel.

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The preferred means of SSL termination for on-premise Adobe Connect deployments is to offload it to an appliance; all high-end hardware-based load balancing devises are also SSL accelerators.

In certain circumstances, such as in labs and for small deployments, or possibly for use of static IPs on AMS Meeting VIPs on AWS, stunnel can be used directly on the server. This article describes how stunnel can be used with Adobe Connect.

Download stunnel from this third-party link:

Begin by making certain you have enough Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) and corresponding SSL certificates support the installation.

Each Adobe Connect LCC server runs both Tomcat and Adobe Media server and requires a separate unique FQDN for each:

Each Adobe Connect Transmuxing Server (ACTS) for browser access needs its own FQDN as well and when SSL is implemented, ACTS must be distributed onto a separate server from Adobe Connect.

Note: The Linux-based Signaling node is also depicted below for NCC

Below are sample entries for the stunnel.conf files that are appropriate (upon writing this article) for most customers for both Adobe Connect and ACTS servers. However this below list of ciphers and SSL version options is only intended as a sample. The security needs of your enterprise will prescribe the exact settings you use.

The man pages for OpenSSL ciphers and SSL versions are here:

; Protocol version (all, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1)
; we want TLS1, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 active, so set =all and then say “not SSLv2, SSLv3”
sslVersion = all
options = NO_SSLv2
options = NO_SSLv3
fips = no
;Some performance tuning:
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

; application server Connect Central SSL / HTTPS
accept =
connect =
cert = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\public_certificate_app-server.pem
key = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\private_key_app-server.key
;configure ciphers as per your requirement and client support.
;this should work for most:
ciphers = TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES

; meeting Adobe Media Server SSL / RTMPS
accept =
connect =
cert = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\public_certificate_meeting-server.pem
key = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\private_key_meeting-server.key
;configure ciphers as per your requirement and client support.
;this should work for most:
ciphers = TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES

; ACTS Adobe Transmuxing Server SSL / WSS / HTTPS
accept =
connect =
cert = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\public_certificate_acts-server.pem
key = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\private_key_acts-server.key
;configure ciphers as per your requirement and client support.
;this should work for most:
ciphers = TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES

; NCC Signaling Node Server SSL / TCP / HTTPS
accept =
connect =
cert = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\public_certificate_signal-server.pem
key = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\private_key_signal-server.key
;configure ciphers as per your requirement and client support.
;this should work for most:
ciphers = TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES

Note: The above stunnel.conf settings depict securing of Connect Central, Meeting, and ACTS. It is possible to simply secure Connect Central, HTTPS, but if you do this and leave AMS/Meeting in the clear running RTMP instead of RTMPS, then you will not be able to use ACTS and all clients will require the Adobe Connect meeting application to gain access to Meetings. You will also need to allow network traffic for RTMP on port 1935.

Connect Central, HTTPS only secure with stunnel SSL

ACTS requires uniformity of encryption. If Connect Central or Meeting is running SSL then ACTS must run SSL in order to use browsers for Meetings. For more details on ACTS see the following article:

To install the stunnel service:

The most common issues with stunnel deployments with Adobe Connect tend to be in the formatting of the .pem file. To test the pem, simply rename it to .cer and double-click on it to see if it works and to inspect the certificate chain.

See this error attempting to use cer rather than pem:

This error below is from lack or a chain or improperly formatted chain. The .pem may have the intermediate and root CA cert in the same file, but they need to be in the right order: Public cert, Intermediate, Root CA

This error below is caused when there is a conflict on port 443:

Here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

Check that the .pem is saved in UTF-8 encoding.

Look for stray characters or carriage returns particularly at the beginning and end of the pem file. It should look similar to this:


If the path to the certificate does not resolve in stunnel, try a relative path without quotes in the stunnel.conf. Some builds of stunnel will use a relative path.

And if you are setting up a test lab installation wherein you are using hosts files for name resolution make certain the FQDNs are correct including case. BSD-based OS’s are case sensitive, while Windows is not. That one discrepancy has been tripping up administrators since the 90’s.

Add the following entries to the custom.ini file in the Adobe Connect root installation directory for Connect Central, Meeting and ACTS running SSL:


After adding these entries, save the custom.ini file.

Note: port 8506 referenced in the RTMP sequence above is for internal server-to-server communication.

On each Adobe Connect server, enable SSL by uncommenting the following two sections in /appserv/conf/server.xml:

<Executor name=”httpsThreadPool”

<Connector SSLEnabled=”true” URIEncoding=”utf-8″ acceptCount=”250″ connectionTimeout=”20000″ enableLookups=”false” executor=”httpsThreadPool” port=”8443″ protocol=”HTTP/1.1″ proxyPort=”443″ relaxedQueryChars=”{}|&lt;&gt;&quot;” scheme=”https” secure=”true”/>

  • Make sure the Adobe Connect server can resolve the machine-name of the ACTS server. A hosts file may be required for this.
  • Make sure the ACTS server can resolve the external name of the AMS Meeting server.
  • Restart all the Adobe Connect services on the Connect server
  • Restart the ACTS service on the ACTS server

Note that for the ACTS server, the stunnel; pool should be 9002:; acts server SSL / HTTPS
accept =
connect =
cert = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\public_certificate_acts-server.pem
key = C:\Connect\stunnel\certs\private_key_acts-server.key
;configure ciphers as per your requirement and client support.
;this should work for most:
ciphers = TLSv1+HIGH:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!eNULL:!3DES

When a Connect server is running with untrusted, expired or private SSL certificates, Connect Meeting rooms will not launch. When you click on a Connect Meeting URL, the initial browser that opens spawns a second browser (the Connect Meeting App). It is this hand-off between browsers that requires a fully trusted public certificate to complete; the Meeting will hang upon loading if the certificate is untrusted: During this hand-off between browser sessions, there is not any opportunity to click your way through an untrusted connection. The Meeting will simply hang.

CPU load on the server will increase with the additioon of stunnel. It is prudent to check to see how much CPU stunnel is using.

Check your certificates as well;

Connect can be configured with Stunnel to support HTTPS, RTMPS and WSS. Stunnel requires you to provide a private key and a public cert file in .pem format.

You probably run Stunnel as a service (you should) so you also need to save the private key without a passphrase.

The certificate must be in .pem format. if it is .pfx, then convert the certificate:

If you have a .pfx file with your private key and public certificate, you need to extract the key and cert from the .pfx file and save them to individual .pem files.

Install OpenSSL: OpenSSL

 Open a command line window and change to the directory where you installed OpenSSL, i.e. c:\OpenSLL-Win64\bin\.

Run the following command to extract the private key and save it to a new file: openssl pkcs12 -in yourpfxfile.pfx -nocerts -out privatekey.pem -nodes

Now run the following command to also extract the public cert and save it to a new file: openssl pkcs12 -in yourpfxfile.pfx -nokeys -out publiccert.pem -nodes

Use the pem files in your Stunnel config.

Using stunnel as the SSL option with Adobe Connect has limitations over against offloading SSL to high-end load-balancing appliances insofar as stunnel has no means of load-balancing and checking applictaion health across multiple servers in a pool/cluster.

The small cluster example depicted below is very similar to our stunnel example above, but here we show a cluster of two LCC servers. Note how the relationship among the VIPs and pools is very similar to stunnel: Every AMS server has its own VIP and FQDN. Each Connect server instance however shares a single FQDN VIP and the load-balancer does a round-robin activity distributing load between the two servers in the pool. The ACTS and Signal each have their own VIP. Any additional ACTS and Signal server like AMS would have its own FQDN and VIP:

ACTS, Administration, Connect Server, Course and Curriculum, General, Install, Meeting, Security, Seminars, SSL, Training, Uncategorized, Virtual Classroom

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