Adobe Connect Support Blog

Download Enhanced AV recordings using the xml-api

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An added bonus with Enhanced AV in Adobe Connect v12 is meeting recordings are now recorded directly to MP4 format. Conversion is no longer required.

This has several benefits, one of which is the recording is immediately available for download and offline distribution.

In the GUI a recording’s MP4 can be obtained using the Download file option

Customers who use the xml-api to integrate Adobe Connect with their LMS system can also provide this download option.

Step 1: List the Meeting’s recordings


Step 2: Identify if the recording (archive in api nomenclature) was made using Enhanced AV and therefore available as MP4

This step is important as recordings made using Standard AV will not be immediately available in MP4 format.

For the sco-id of each archive returned in Step 1 call sco-info,

eg. /api/xml?action=sco-info&sco-id=1207541634

The response body for a recording that was made using Enhanced AV will contain this element:


Step3: Generate the URL for download

Now we know that the recording was made using Enhanced AV we know it is available as MP4.

Append this string to the recording url-path (returned in Step2)


Eg. https://[ConnectDomain]/preuyr767ghu/?download=true&name=[name].mp4

Here [ConnectDomain] is the domain name of your Connect account, Name.mp4 can be anything you choose, but probably you will extract it from the <name>xxxx</name> element returned in Step 2.

Meeting, Recording, Uncategorized, WebRTC, XML API

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