Adobe Connect | Override the default SMTP port
This article only pertains to on-premise Adobe Connect Server installations.
Problem :
I cannot configure my SMTP server with Adobe Connect, because my SMTP server requires a different port, other than the default 25.
Environment :
Adobe Connect On-premise
Solution :
If you have an SMTP server that is setup to use a different port other than the default port configured with connect, here are a few simple steps you can follow to achieve it.
Connect can be configured to use a different port for smtp :
1. Navigate to the {root-install}\connect\appserv\conf folder on your Adobe Connect server(Note : The path would be under 9.x folder for a 9.x Connect version)
2. Open the ConnectProSvc.conf file in an editor
3. Add the following additional java wrapper anywhere in the file :, where XXX denotes your smtp server’s port.
4. If you’re using gmail, following extra wrapper should be required :
5. Restart the Adobe Connect services to allow the changes to take effect.
This helped me configure SMTP using gmail ( by adding: