Adobe Connect Meeting Session Management
Behavior: There are two variables with reference to Meeting room session management under the Named Host license model that an Adobe Connect Administrator will want to consider:
- When a Named Host leaves a Meeting room, the Meeting remains active until all users leave the Meeting before completely shutting down.
- Upon the exit of the Named Meeting Host, all remaining users in the Meeting are demoted after 5 minutes.
These two variables are important: You may not see some changes propagate to a Meeting room until it has been closed and unloaded and then reopened. Tonight, for example I was in a meeting and switched the account settings from RTMP to RTMPS to secure all traffic rather than just the log-in via HTTPS; the padlock icon in the meeting bandwidth indicator (green light in upper right corner) that indicates RTMPS did not appear in the Meeting upon making the change and will not until after the meeting room is emptied of participants, closed and then reopened.
The second timeout variable is very important because without a Named Host present in the Meeting, all users are demoted to passive subscriber participants.
Note also that there is a 12 hour session timeout; if you use a Connect meeting room for any support activities and keep it open for longer than 12 hours, the Meeting will timeout. The workaround is to set up two rooms and rotate every eleven hours between two rooms to support any sustained activity that will last more than 12 hours.
Note also the Administration options in Connect Central that manage the timeout of sessions that do not have any activity outlined here: