Adobe Connect Blog

The Value of Virtual Events in Government

This new resource guide from GovLoop called ‘Building Better Conferences and Training: The Value of Virtual Events in Government’ is an extremely well put together and must-have guide for any government agency looking to move their traditional in-person conferences online.

In the guide, GovLoop;

  • Provides survey results of 335 public sector professionals, on how they perceive virtual events and training to be familiar, valuable, flexible and inevitable
  • Highlights 4 government case studies: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Federal Highway Administration, and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management
  • Shares the subject matter expertise of 5 industry experts who provide tips and considerations as well as casting a vision for the future of learning.
  • Offers 10 specific steps that you can take to implement virtual conferences

Check it out at:


Virtual Conferences