Adobe Connect Blog

Virtual conference with Adobe Connect enables U.S. Navy to cut expenses by $1.5 million

Using Adobe Connect the U.S. Naval Safety & Environmental Training Center, in partnership with EnvolveMEDIA, created an online version of its annual Safety Professional Development Conference. The virtual training conference saved taxpayers $1.5 million in travel costs and increased attendee participation by 50%.

More than 1,500 virtual attendees participated in the week-long conference, featuring 80 speakers and 52 unique safety topics—including ergonomics, workplace inspections, and hazardous waste handling. Using analytics capabilities in Adobe Connect, event organizers found that more than 92% of all participants reported positive attitudes towards the virtual conference.

“Using analytics capabilities in Adobe Connect, we can measure and evaluate the success of the event clearly and from multiple perspectives,” says Dean Pianta, Chief Learning Technologist at EnvolveMEDIA, Adobe’s implementation partner for the project. “We can support our projected return on investment and cost-benefit ratio figures, as well as track user experiences and engagement—proving that this is an effective solution to situations where travel simply isn’t an option.”

Read more about the conference in this case study here:


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Adobe Connect, DCO, eLearning, Events, Uncategorized, Virtual Classrooms, Virtual Conferences, Webinars