Adobe Connect Blog

An Example of Adobe Connect Extensions: Custom Meeting Pods

October 13, 2011 /Adobe Connect /Best Practices /

In our recent discussion about web conferencing and extensibility, we’ve talked about real-world users – including California State University Chancellor’s Office, New Horizons Computer Learning Centers and Tat Communication – who are realizing value by extending the Adobe Connect platform and using our custom extensions.

One way this is happening is by incorporating custom meeting pods: specialized, in-meeting applications (pods) that are either built by our own product folks, partners or external developers.  Our published software development kits (see: Adobe Connect Developer Center) let developers create new and interesting pods that can live natively within Adobe Connect – this capability is entirely unique, increasing capabilities that address specific needs and interests and making web meetings more engaging.

In this post, I’ll demonstrate how easy it is to integrate extensions into an Adobe Connect meeting room.

Demo: Personalize Meeting Rooms

I’ve created a demo that shows how easy it is to start leveraging the extensibility of Adobe Connect by adding custom pods to your meeting room – check it out:

There is more information, including currently available custom pods, at our extensions and integrations page here.

Get Started

Screen sharing is not really collaborating, which is why, over time, we’ve focused on the flexibility of Adobe Connect. The ability to integrate custom pods and customize meeting rooms gives our customers a great advantage – we encourage you to experiment with many of our free custom pods such as the popular TwitterConnect.

It’s still early, but we’re definitely expecting great creativity from developers, and more engaging and useful meetings for all.

Stay in touch with us here and on Twitter @AdobeConnect as we continue to share news and views on extensibility and a wide range of web conferencing topics.

-Peter Ryce, Senior Technical Evangelist (@PeterRyce)

Adobe Connect, Best Practices