Adobe Connect Blog

New to the team

June 25, 2008 /General /

In my first post, I wanted to quickly introduce myself to the Acrobat Connect Pro community.
My name is Mark Blair, some folks may know of me through my work for Adobe, Macromedia and Allaire in Asia Pacific over the last 8 years. I held various roles over the years including Technical Director, running Consulting in the Pacific and leading our server initiatives in the Asia Pacific region. All of these roles were obviously field based with a heavy technical sales focus. I’m looking forward to putting that field knowledge and experience to good use in my role in the Connect Pro product team. As part of me taking the role I relocated to San Francisco from Australia with my family.
My focus in the Connect team is on developing the appropriate partnerships to bring new capabilities to Connect and expose Connect to new markets. I’d be interested to hear feedback in this area as I begin to get up to speed with my new role at Adobe.
