Adobe Connect Support Blog

October 25, 2013 /Administration /Meeting /

Passing a user into an Adobe Connect Meeting without the Login Page

Periodically customers want to be able to pass in Guest users into an Adobe Connect Meeting without having those users actually have to pass in a guest name in the Meeting login page.  The scenario here may be that organizations may have an external registration system where users put in their email address, first name, last name, and other data, into a form on their registration portal and they do not want users to have to register (externally) for a Meeting and then put their name or login value in again a second time, on the Meeting login page.  Also, the organization may want to keep close tabs on how the guest name is entered, so it will match their own registration system, for reporting later.  For this, we have a quick and simple solution.

If the meeting is setup for public access (‘Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room‘) or for the default access level (‘Only registered users and accepted guests may enter the room), then you can simply append ‘?guestName=XXXXXXX‘ to the end of the meeting URL (where ‘XXXXXXX’ would be the value of their name that you want to display in the Attendee List Pod when they are in the meeting).  It would look something like this: https://{connectDomain}/{meetingURL}?guestName=Jim Johnson

The behavior will be:

For access level: ‘Only registered users and accepted guests may enter the room’: the user will be let right into the room’s lobby (without seeing the login page) and will see the message: ‘This is a private meeting. Your request to enter has been sent to the host. Please wait for a response.’  Then a host can accept them and they will be let into the meeting as whatever value was appended to the ‘?guestName=’ parameter.

For access level: ‘Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room’: the user will be let right into the room itself, as they normally would, but they never see the login page and their name value in the Attendee List Pod is whatever was passed in in the ‘?guestName=’ parameter.


From the integration perspective, the external registration system which mines the user data (name, email, etc.) you’d need to programmatically set this guestName value in the URL for each user.  This can be done in the application which presents the URL to the end users from the registration system and you can put the first name + last name, email address, or whatever other value you want to set in there.


Administration, Meeting

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