Intermittent Adobe Connect Meeting Addin SSL Exception
Environment: Adobe Connect Hosted Accounts
Issue: There is an emerging intermittent issue reported whereby the Adobe Connect Meeting addin and Meeting application disconnects the video stream during screen-sharing. The issue appears to be due to an SSL exception streaming RTMPS.
Workaround: We have no reports of the issue from any customer allowing RTMP (not forcing RTMPS and allowing RTMP). The enterprise support team can change this setting server-side for you in the interim upon request. Not forcing RTMPS allows RTMP traffic on 1935, proxy and firewall changes to white-listed Connect servers may be needed to allow this. Using the Flash Player is also a workaround although the Flash Player does not allow a Meeting host to screen-share. To use the Flash Player in any Meeting, simply append ?launcher=false to any Meeting URL.
Effects of not forcing RTMPS: Not forcing RTMPS has no effect on HTTPS as the two connections are separate. By not forcing RTMPS streaming, traffic (that manages the Meeting) is allowed on ports other than 443 and streaming encryption is not forced at the Meeting VIPs; RTMP is allowed rather than only RTMPS. Login and content remain secure because of HTTPS encryption on a separate VIP. RTMP(S) handles the commands that drive a Meeting and include the chat pod and note-pods. The content uploaded into the Meeting and the login are HTTPS.
If you experience this issue: Feel free to contact the Adobe Connect Enterprise support team to discuss these workaround options.
Investigation ongoing: This issue is currently under investigation and an update will follow shortly. This is a top priority for both the Connect engineering and Operations teams.