Adobe Connect Hosted IP Addresses are Changing the First Week of May 2024
This information in this article affects only those Adobe Connect Hosted customers who have made network or firewall exceptions to trust Adobe Connect Hosted servers by IP as authentic targets of outbound traffic. The DNS A-record names of the fully qualified domain names of the Adobe Connect Hosted servers will not change, only the IP addresses as we work toward upgrading from IPV4 to IPV6.
The Adobe Connect support team has reached out to all hosted customers who we have listed as those who have made proxy or firewall exceptions by IP to accommodate the RTMPS streaming protocol on their network. If you need help with this, please contact Adobe Connect Support or comment here on this article and we will provide the list of IP addresses specific to your Adobe Connect Hosted account.
Using nslookup on the hosted domain names for AMS servers will show the exact IP addresses in use for RTMP at any given time. We publish ranges however because we may need to add capacity thereby increasing the number of IPs that may need to be listed for network exception. The naming convention is very simple and uniform:
For clusters in North America, na1fms1.adobeconnect.com is the hostname of the first AMS server in the NA1 cluster. To check its IP:
- nslookup na1fms1.adobeconnect.com
- nslookup na1fms2.adobeconnect.com and so on
Likewise for NA2 AMS servers: nslookup na2fms1.adobeconnect.com and so on through NA14.
For clusters based in EMEA, the naming convention is similar:
- nslookup emea1fms1.adobeconnect.com
- nslookup emea1fms2.adobeconnect.com
Likewise for EMEA2 AMS servers: nslookup emea2fms1.adobeconnect.com and so on through EMEA9.
The IP ranges for WebRTC will not change and are documented in this Helpx Tech-note: https://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/firewall-proxy-server-configuration-adobe-connect.html
For more information on the symptoms of blocking the RTMPS stream to Adobe Connect, see this tech-note: https://blogs.connectusers.com/connectsupport/blocking-direct-rtmps-connection/
The ports required for Enhanced Audio/Video WebRTC will not change and can be found here: https://blogs.connectusers.com/connectsupport/avoiding-latency-using-webrtc-with-adobe-connect-hosted-meetings-seminars-and-virtual-classrooms/