Adobe Connect Support Blog

The Adobe Connect API Accepts Special Charaters (+,$,# etc) if Executed with Encoded Values

Description : The Adobe Connect Web Services API accepts special characters such as (+,$,# etc) if you encode the characters. For example:

If a user Login employs the credentials shown below on the User Interface, it will work without issue.
User Name :-
Password :- Passw0rd

However, when the user uses the following API “/api/xml?action=login&”

The plus sign is interpreted as though it were a space and the Login looks like this “abc” resulting in the following:

  • <results>
  • <status code=”no-data”/>
  • </results>

In order to employ these special characters, you must encode them and then execute the API.  For instance in the above case we will execute an API as shown below :


Special character encoding reference information is found under URL :- w3schools  This reference is useful for those users who are trying to run API with special characters.

Administration, Application, General, XML API

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